Tuesday, September 4, 2007


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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Internet safety protecting citizens

The Internet has changed our lives in countless ways. Citizens can get news and information at the click of a mouse. Friends and relatives can communicate instantly via e-mail while thousands of miles apart. Consumers can shop and pay bills without ever leaving home.

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Article on the future of internet safety

As the Internet continues to grow, it becomes more and more apparent that existing Internet management technologies need to be improved, extended or replaced in order to extend functionality and reduce development time and operational costs. Within the IETF, IRTF, and IAB, several new approaches are currently under discussion.

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Internet safety resulting in loss of freedoms

There's a common presumption that the Internet has brought with it the promise of openness, democracy, the end of inequities in the distribution of information, and human self-fulfilment. Any such conclusion would be premature.The digital era has ambushed and beguiled us all. Its first-order impacts are being assimilated, but its second-order implications are not.

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